Friday, September 08, 2006


Last few days I've been attending the number of meetings the school runs at the end of each semester. Being new, I have to admit that I haven't really understood the relevance of the most things being said, but the meeting today was something that I was rather impressed with. Actually it's not so much that I was impressed by it, as much as I've used to be disappointed that there was no similar thing (during the recent years) at the DIS. The meeting is rather simple one, subject leaders of each year discuss the due dates and the weighting of the assessment for the coming semester. This way there is a coordination of the students' work load, i.e. not all the assignments end up being due in the same week, nor does the one subject end up with 3 times as many submissions as the next one. Brilliant!


Unknown said...

But then students will never learn to perform under pressure :P

Have you found any SPGs?

zb said...

Always look on the bright side... I like it :)