Friday, September 22, 2006

Annual leave/Visiting me

This is my first full time working arrangement, and so, the 1st time where I actually have annual leave. As it is probably the case for most employees in most organisation, I cannot take the days off just any time I feel like it - I need to apply for it.

As I am a teacher, my annual leave can be approved during the non-teaching periods. This contract allows me for 42 days of leave which the majority of I will use up on travels to neighbouring countries around Singapore (one of the main reasons for taking up this job).

This being said, for all those wishing to pay me a visit... well first of all you are very welcome, and as long as I have the apartment just for myself you can have a bed at my place anytime, including the breakfast every day (cereal :)

But if you are not just stopping by while passing though Singapore, and have flexibility in planning your visit then please refer to my calendar. Goes without saying that I'd prefer if you can come during the non-teaching period while I am in Singapore. And if you can join me on some trip, then that would be even sweeter...


Unknown said...

will you pay airticke for me?? hahaha. how long it take from HK or Shanghai to your place?? strong interests on this journey!!

zb said...

If somehow, somewhere I said something that makes me seem like a travel agent, I apologise. Me not like organising... Wish I could pay the ticket for all wishing to come by... one day.... and I'll have my own PA as well... zzzzZZZZZzzz