Friday, August 29, 2008

Irony - an example

Received from the teacher on Aug 15th:

Hi Z,

I am sorry to hear about your plight. I have checked with the appropriate person in charge of approving ISMs and unfortunately it is not possible to approve 2 ISMs in the same semester. As you realise, there are administrative rules that the department has to follow. As mentioned earlier, the option you have if you need to do two ISMs, is to do it over two semesters.

Best wishes,



Sent to the student on Aug 28th:

Hi NJ,

I am sorry to see you plight just now, this late in the semester. Though I sincerely wish that I could help you, unfortunately the semester is officially completed, and the administrative regulations at the school have to be obeyed.

Best wishes,



PS: It was my 1st day as a teacher at the school here in Spora two years ago today. And yesterday was the anniversary of the arrival. Time sure does fly, at the ever increasing speeds...

The Importance of First Impressions (?)

I went the 1st time for my class on the Globalization - it's in the Geography department - yesterday.

After sorting things out at the work, and some getting lost on the campus (while checking out the sights ;), I found my way to this meeting room that served as a classroom. The Prof was rather surprised w/ who the f I am, where from, n stuff like that (he did not check his mail that day, otherwise he would have know all these answers) when I walked in at the middle of the class where there were 8 people, including the Prof, sitting at the meeting table discussing a chapter from The Globalization Syndrome, by J.H. Mittelman. Bit later, during the class break, the Prof tried hard to discourage me from taking on the course... he was too concerned w/ my educational background (non-social science/art), and the fact that it is already a week 3 of the semester. After he realized that I'm not budging at all, he asked me if after all the warnings he gave me I am still wiling to take the risk of struggling and not doing well for the class. - My answer: sure!

So last night I wrote him a decent email explaining a bit more of why do I think I can cope with the class, and sharing one opinion in relation to the point from the discussion on the book. As it was just my 1st class, and in a way at the time, I was just a passer by, I took on the role of listening, observing, and I kept my mouth shut. According to his reply this morning, seems that I got his initial opinion changed a bit - well guess he couldn't really reply in any different manner. Though, I hope I am right, that his judgment moved from the initial impression. If the Prof at the beginning has the opinion that you will fail, or at best yet you will struggle just for a pass, and he at the same time leaves the 1st impressions of the highly opinionated, full of himself type of a person (well not as much as yours truly, but close), then naturally you start to question his open mindedness, his ability to change his initial impressions (i.e. if this Prof thinks that I cannot do well in this subject, even when later in semester I'm kicking ass, will he - as all teachers should/must/do - allow his first impressions to be wrong, will he allow himself to be wrong, and change his mind in order to give me a grade I objectively deserve (relative to the other students in the class who have, from his pt of view, favorable (educational) background).

Sure, If I was not to do the class I wouldn't have a chance to change my own initial opinions of him either... it will be a fun semester.


Ps: in the way of an Academic F..ellow, I'll give credit where the credit is due. The point on changing the impression/belief according to the evidence at hand I am making in this post, came as the lesson I 1st learned from my friend Ray during our discussion - if I am not mistaken - on judgements people have, and judgmental people (those who verbalise their judgements). Ray shared with me the story of his first impressions of me. We first met at The University of Melbourne back in the early 2002 (back then as you can imagine I was even ....hmmm). He described his impression as something along the lines of young, fullish, playful, crazy. Kind of a person Ray, a well experienced, mature guy would have little to share with. And if Ray left his initial impression to stay as the truth - as the only truth - then we would have never become friends that we are today. Though, luckily for me, Ray took a scientific approach and put his initial impression of 2002 version of yours truly as a hypothesis. And as they say, the rest is history... :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Farewell to the Paid Holiday

Beginning of the end has started. Last night I was marking the exams till 4am... all done. With that, this being the last semester, my work commitments for the school are all pretty much completed. Now, it's time to concentrate on being the student. It's nice that I am on the payroll till the end of the September. Also, it is currently looking optimistic that I'll be able to keep my apartment for an extra month and half - till the end of the studies.

It was a fun year with dozen or so of us internationals mingling together at the Block 90, the friendly neighborhood (at times, 'Melrose Place', as Huge proclaimed it to be :). Tomorrow, the 1st one is leaving. The night calls for free flow of beer, and stupidity... there has been quite a few of those lately (again). By the time October starts most of us will be gone, with new ones coming in to take our place.

Couple of Saturdays ago (on the 16th) was the 'Level 8 party- The Finale' (#2, #1). It was a good one. It was nice that David came over from India for a weekend, and Shan joining, though Angilee, Dan and Kevin were on their respective travels. All in all, maybe not the best one, but surely worthy of being the last:

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cinergix - congrats Sunny

Sunny, aka Chandika, is my (first) friend who will have Google knocking at his door!

He's one of those (rare souls) who walk the talk... Sunny had an idea, and then he locked himself up in the 'garage' to build it. Guess it's safe to say that Sunny likes that saying 'if you build it, they will come' waaay more then I do.

Since that flash bulb went off between Sunny's ears - some one and a half years ago - Cinergix was born, won 2nd prize in the entrepreneurship competition at the Melbourne Business School, established R&D center in Colombo, Sri Lanka (Sunny's home home), and will have it's beta product up within coming months.

I wish Cinegix continues it's growth with the flare, pace and success it has started with; wishing it the best.

And, as for Sunny:


Ps: hold on, one more: Sunny, where do I submit my application ;)

UPDATED: Cinregix made successful presentation at DEMOfall, raising the awareness about the company and their first product Creately.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Joy by Confucius

To be constantly learning and practicing what you learn, isn't it the greatest joy of all ?

To have bosom friends who share your learning from all over the world, doesn't it bring the greatest happiness ?

To be unknown to people and yet remain undisturbed, isn't that an act of the most virtuous man ?

--- The Analects , Chapter 1:1

Ps: stumbled upon it on the Proffesor's page who's teaching the computer science subject that I am interested in doing.