Wednesday, October 01, 2008


As of today, I am officially unemployed. Though luckily, I am a student again, doing 3 subjects this semester at NUS, to differentiate me from the average bum.

I had two wonderful farewell lunches. One last Friday with my basketball buddies at the lovely Japanese restaurant - thanks Prince; and the other on Monday, with coworkers I've developed friendly relationship at a fancy Hokkien place (pic) - thanks YoonHin. Following the Monday lunch, I caught up with my Reporting Officer (RO) for a little farewell chat. Yesterday, after Roza left to the airport, I was back in the office cleaning out the last few things. Also, I had to return the school's laptop I had been using, though my good colleagues and friends - thanks Steven and Willy - organised a way for me to keep the laptop for a little longer.

The last thing left for me to do was to send a nice 'Thanks ICT' email to all colleagues at the school. Though, Director surprised me during one of the recent staff meetings by getting me to stand up and give a farewell speech, I felt like I left it too general, without thanking anyone in particular, so this time I took the opportunity to do that via the email.

As a response to the farewell email, RO send me a contact at SIM should I wish - err - need to go back to teaching - thanks Pam. And Director forwarded my resume to the company where she has a contact. I'll have the interview with the local IT consulting company next Tuesday - thanks Director. I am especially grateful to Director showing me her helping side - this was the 2nd company that she referred me to - as her and I had few misunderstandings during my time here; as the saying goes: water under the bridge.

Though, my last official day was only yesterday, practically my last semester at the school finished back on the 3rd September when we had the end of the semester staff meeting. So even though I had no work to do for a whole month, the official deadline invoked this funny feeling in me. On one hand I am very happy to be moving on as I know this is the right thing to do. Yet on the other hand, after two years here, the place has wormed up to me, and I have developed good relationships with many people. Thus, the part of me was said to clean up the office and walk out for the last time.

1 comment:

zb said...

Thanks Ray. One down, one to go. The next interview is this coming Friday, the 10th of October. I feel good about it, let's see...