Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I came across the term just now for the 1st time while doing the readings for my subject on Globalization. The term, as defined on Wikipedia, refers to the process of fragmentation of a state/region into smaller states/regions. The interesting part on the Wikipedia entry are the two animations depicting the constantly changing state borders in the region. One during the Balkan Civil War, showing the chronological brake up of Yugoslavia, and the other presenting the border fluidity since the late 18th century.

....(until when) will the history keep repeating itself...?


Anonymous said...

my BS is, according to some critisim on newspaper, that Wikipedia is misleading, not really correct sometimes.
It has been found by some prof. that the answer given by students were wrong, then the kids argued that they find the definition from Wikipedia. Then the "so-called" professional said actually there is not limitation in wikipedia that everyone can put sth on it. is it true? i don't know.....just another BS.....^ ^

zb said...

IMO, Wikipedia is a good source, reliable on most accounts. True, there might be pages that are still in the 'development' stage, and so it is quite possible that some info there is plain out wrong.

When doing academic works, such are school assignments, Wikipedia should be used only as a starting resource, something that will get one going in the right direction, and definitely not as a (sole) reference to quote in an academic work. I don't think Wikipedia's credibility is there (yet).

For my purpose, as an annotation to the posts on this blog, Wikipedia works perfectly.