Sunday, September 21, 2008

Random nuggets

The Large Hadron Collider is a really big experiment:

Hope is that it will help answer the ultimate questions on the life, universe and everything:

- LHC explained with the passion by "Rock-star physicist" Brian Cox of at TED.

- The Universe is biiiiiiiiig. To get a better sense of the size, take a very cool journey to its edge.


This post summarises 10 most influential studies in social psychology. Very nice read, on stuff such as why do we lie to ourselves, why do we conform to each other, why do we develop group mentality...


Preetam, a colleague at work, who is highly involved with many things Web 2.0 had a nice story to share from the recent barCamp in Bangkok: the most popular presentation given was by the Japanese girl on 'How to date a Japanese girl'.



"Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like."

I don't know to which context this line by Will Rogers refers to, but to me it sure sounds like a definition for Consumerism.


Anonymous said...


the link on how to date a japanese girl is incorrect. pls check :)


Anonymous said...

should be this

zb said...

well spotted Mr D... was just checking if any of my friends are actually reading the blog, and/or would be interested in such info ;)