Saturday, June 28, 2008

Parents - 30th aniversary party

The party to celebrate 30 years since parents' wedding was on the Saturday, the 27th of April. This semester I don't have classes scheduled on Fridays, and with some rearrangement of Monday's classes I managed to give the parents the best party present I could - my presence. They were very surprised to find me sleeping in my bed on Friday morning.

That Friday was David's (the lover) cousin wedding (congrats to Sonya and Sunjif ( pardon spelling)). Vesna and I went over for a short while to enjoy the wedding ceremony.

The parent's party was the next day. It was nice, with few family friends attending; lots of food and drinks - the usual.

Also notable is that, in the mean time, we got the new PC box. All that work I've spent just a month ago trying to clear out the bugs from the PC was wasted, as it turns out that there was some kind of hardware problem there as well. Not too surprising for an 8 year old box. The good thing is that now everything works as expected, plus I got my parents into video skype which improves communication, as well as lovers its cost.

Sunday we spend doing nothing, and on Monday I was on my way back to Spora.


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