Sunday, September 02, 2007

Congrats to Marina&Mile

So I got there on Thursday evening. Spent Friday in Zaton with Uncle - he's trying to complete the house over there (been at it 10+ years, that's how things still are over there...) - and his family. That was my only dip into the wonderful Adriatic sea.

In the evening we went to the village (Rastevic; 5km from Benkovac towards Zadar) , they went to say good-byes to all the family before the morning trip back to Germany, and I stayed there for the night, before morning ride to Pag, an island some 50km away where the wedding was taking place.

Wedding and all was just nice... I was rather still buggered by the loooong trip, jetlagged... and later drunk with bit of upset stomach - to much of prsutto and paski sir, so that gave me a great excuse not to jump-around to 'good old' Cro music.

When I woke up on Sunday morning, I felt great... energy to the full, no jetlag, no nothing - thought, it must of been all that Malvazija which I filtered though my body that did the trick. Spend the Sunday with cousins in the village.

Monday I was around the town, meeting with some few friends at the old neighborhood over there. For dinner, met with my freshly married cousin.

Tuesday morning at 7:30 I was on the bus, on my way back.

Reached Spora Wed evening, back at work Thursday morning.


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