Saturday, November 18, 2006

Choices, choices...

In my opinion this is a good 'problem' to have, a quality, or even a privileged 'problem'.

Yesterday I updated my Personalised Google page with more feeds to address the current interests (human sciences and more techie news...). Ray told me once that 'one's research should be about pursuing one's interest'. Unsurprisingly, I went on to generalise this by saying that 'not just research... a life should be about pursuing one's interest', which has underlying assumption that "All life is an experiment." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

So now when I logged in and noticed the feed titled Human Journey, it was a no-brainer click. It leads to the blog entry with the interesting line:

"The art of living is, in its essential meaning, a development and transformation of the power of inward choice."

This is nicely complemented with the inquiry that was part of Luka's eM signature "What is the best use of my now".

Either way, a 'problem' or with 'transformation of the power ', with 'best use', or whatever else might be applicable to choices, when it comes to our own, I hope we can all join Frank Senatra in singing:

I’ve done it my way...!

Ps: off to get that lecture material ready for this Monday :)

1 comment:

Alvin Yeung said...

Hey man, my fist post in your blog, and guess what I am gonna say... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! How's your first birthday in Singapore? Looks like you are still very exciting with your job. Keep up the good work man .. :-)