Monday, December 21, 2009


Happy holidays and Best wishes for the New Year!

The glance back @ 2009:

Wow – what a zoom ride that was… In superstitious ways of the Far East, I’ll be hopping the 2009 will set the long-lasting foundations for the next 100 or some to come…

- A year ago I wished to all lots of luck in the wake of the economical crisis, and especially applicable to my/stupid/self after making the difficult situation worse by failing the very last hurdle towards the masters degree. I hope the wish came true for you as it had for me:

- Thanks to Ninja for smacking me silly and reminding me that I’m one very lucky f …ellow. I relaxed, embraced the essence and enjoyed few uncertain months of the year as happily unemployed. I bunked with friends in Singapore (thanks Timo and Peteri) while waiting to hear from The Melbourne Uni if they’ll give me yet another life line to complete the degree. They did.

- From March till May I was in Melbourne, attended the Knowledge Management lectures and with it finally completed the degree.

- One weekend in May I flew back to Singapore to evaluate the surprise job offer - 6 months after the last contact with the company.

- Roza visited for few days and met the family in the April. Observation: The love of (same) foods and drinks creates the foundation on which common ground and mutual appreciation between people from varied backgrounds can develop quickly.

- May till July I’ve spend in Croatia, and then two weeks in Budapest at Roza’s new address.

- In the mean time the contract negotiation for a Singapore IT job came to the conclusion.

- On the 10th of July I started the new job. Finally, after first looking for a real job back in 2001 I got one.

- Initially, the plan was to stay with Dr Love only until I find my own accommodation. Before I got something suitable (thanks Aunty Susan), Love and I got engaged (for the technical reasons) and are happily living in the open relationship under the same roof - Much love, Love.

- One weekend in August I flew back to Melbourne for the graduation ceremony.

- On the 30th November the settlement was completed for the two bedroom investment property. When I first started looking for a real job in 2001 I've decided that I'd get into real estate - 10 years later I got there. Appreciation to parents and Roza for helping out.

The coming Thursday (24th) Roza and I are flying to Perth where we’ll spend Christmas with my family. Then, via a day in Macao, we’ll get to Hong Kong to be with hers during the New Year's celebrations.

Look forward @ 2010:

- Back on the 4th of January I’ll be at the work, hoping to extend my contract, that expires in the mid-January, in spite of the company's current struggles – I can forget about realising any negotiation dreams this time around - next time...

- Work more actively on the on-line identity.

- Give the relationship with Roza a real test by sharing the same mailing address without any pre-booked flying-away tickets between us.



Anonymous said...

Congrats :)

Daniela America da Silva said...

Hey Zoran! Hope you had great holidays! Thanks for following my Blog ! Do not forget to use the Google Translator, because I am usually writing now in Portuguese

All the best for your 2010 !