Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Love Me!bourne

From MelbVisit 29M...

I used to say: like Melbourne a lot, love Zadar. Though after this last visit Melbourne's moved up a notch.

10 months removed from daily visits to the city, and all of a sudden the journey from Spencer St Station to Domain Rd, (went over to Vesna's work to pick up the car and the house key) was just like 'wow with the big grin on the face', thinking to myself: Melb didn't look this good for a reeeeaally long time, if ever... So vibrant, filled w/ personality ... (I know that one of the keys to happiness is to avoid comparison, but as Ray liked to say 'just a human')

It's amazing how the fresh perspective changes things. The city didn't change, but it's been for the first time in a long while that I walked those streets while actually observing things and noticing what's happening around, as though my specks have been cleaned.

The visit was short but sweet. Most days I was running around meeting with friends, just interrupting their daily routines with 'catch up' conversations, and then making it home for the dinner with the family.


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