Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama the Saviour

If it wasn't already clear from previous posts, like a big majority around the world, I am a fan and believer of the hopeful change that the 44th US president will bring about from this day onwards.

Many things have been said about the man in the past year leading towards the inauguration, but in particular I like what NY Times had to say describing his character: 
"It’s not willpower or self-discipline he shows as much as an organized unconscious. Through some deep, bottom-up process, he has developed strategies for equanimity, and now he’s become a homeostasis machine. 
...At every challenging moment, his instinct was to self-remove and establish an observer’s perspective. 
...He doesn’t seem to need the audience’s love. But they need his. The audiences hunger for his affection, while he is calm, appreciative and didactic.
...And it is easy to sketch out a scenario in which he could be a great president. He would be untroubled by self-destructive demons or indiscipline. With that cool manner, he would see reality unfiltered. He could gather — already has gathered — some of the smartest minds in public policy, and, untroubled by intellectual insecurity, he could give them free rein. Though he is young, it is easy to imagine him at the cabinet table, leading a subtle discussion of some long-term problem."

Wouldn't it be nice, if the only negative that the article had to say about Obama - "Far from a celebrity fad, he is self-contained, self-controlled and maybe even a little dull." - stays as the only true negiative remark eight years from now as well, when the 45th commander-in-chief is sworn in.

To the tune of the presently predominant theme, let's


And the man is a baller :)

Worth reading is the Time's Person of the Year interview, and the list of 50 facts, where you can also find the interview with his wife, Michelle.

PPs: SuperObama image source

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year, old tune

While back in Melbourne, enjoying the time with the family, I also tried to resurrect my degree from the ashes. There is some hope it might happen. It's very slim, but worth a shot. During the meeting with the representatives from the UniMelb's Science Faculty, I was told that they will take my request into consideration...


Dear A and D,

Thank you for seeing me on the last Friday.

As discussed, I was able to successfully complete the two out of the three subjects listed below, and hence humbly request approval to enroll into one more subject in order to finalize my degree.

As you will know, during my time in Singapore I had full time employment lasting all the way through till the last quarter of the semester. Since my residential visa, apartment and the laptop were tied up to the job, I had to invest time and effort to sort those logistical issues. In addition, I looked for a new job and went to three interviews. Lastly, out of the three subjects, I was most unsure of receiving the approval for the 'Mapping Global Economic Change', leaving it's major assignment the last. This resulted with the submission that was one week overdue. The assignment was heavily penalized for lateness, resulting in the failure.

Also, please take into consideration that though my leave of absence has been prolonged, I have initially requested to enroll in two NUS modules (one per semester) after one year of leave of absence.

The next semester at NUS runs from January till May, with deadline for adding subjects on the 19th of January. With your kind approval, I would like to enroll into one more subject from the NUS's School of Computing.

Please find attached the page from NUS admin system showing the results. I will send you the original transcript as soon as I receive it.

Thank you,

(student Id)


I am asking myself, will I ever learn... Doing the same mistake over and over again... and again... Thinking of the lessons I 'learned' - or I should say: taken with me - from the previous failure, and yet failing to act upon them - stupid...!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy 09

Wishing you all the best in the new year! For all of us I hope we can enjoy some extra luck, as this seems to be something that we could use more so then usually in the following, what is expected to be, (economically) though year.


Ps: thanks for all the warm wishes!